As some of you may know, I am in London at the moment. Both my parents have been unwell. My mother, Naina Mata ji, recently had stents put in her heart. She has recovered well and is, as is her nature, taking care of everyone as if nothing happened to her.
My father is no less than a walking miracle. The doctors are shocked he’s still alive. Swami ji has pulled out the big guns for this one.
The story goes something like this:
VP, as I call him (His name is Vipul, VP is short for Vip Prabhu) is 69 years old. He is a heart patient with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc., the lot, who had his first major heart attack at the age of 39.
I was fourteen years old when we helplessly watched him writhe around in that pain on the living room floor while we waited for an ambulance. After seeing him in Intensive Care for the first time, my brother and I were taken aside to a family room where a kind nurse drew a diagram and gently explained to us exactly what had happened to him. Approximately 30% of his heart was damaged.
A year later, I tried to take my own life for the first time, and I moved out of the family home as soon as I turned 16. I blamed VP for everything. I’ve written about the whys and hows in my Confessions of a Merry Monk series.
When he was approximately 47 years old, VP had an open heart, triple bypass operation at Harefield, a coronary specialist hospital in West London. Although I was not on speaking terms with him at the time and I had two children, I stayed with my mother in the family accommodation rooms adjoining the hospital and we both helped to take care of him until he was discharged.
Around 10 years after that, he had his second heart attack, where, as luck would have it, he was at a hospital anyway for a routine appointment. He lost consciousness in the waiting room and slumped onto my mother’s shoulder. The medical staff caught it in time and sent him straight to Harefield where he was treated with stents.
I was divorced by this point and living independently. VP and I had had sporadic contact over the years. None of it very pleasant. Some violent. Some police involvement. But I had to be there for my mother.
After some careful monitoring over the years, an ICD was fitted to prevent VP’s further weakened heart from going into cardiac arrest.
In January 2017, after my second stint in solitude (which I will write about at a later date), I felt so much love and forgiveness in my heart, I flew from Kenya to London and surprised my family. They hadn’t seen or heard from me much for a long while. I’d been living in Mumbai for a few years by then, and the last time they’d seen me, it ended badly between my father and me (as it usually did), and I left abruptly without them knowing exactly where I was going. They knew about Swami ji and had come to visit the ashram in November 2016, out of curiosity. But I wasn’t there. I was in solitude in Kenya.
Almost a year and a half after they’d last seen me, when I rang the doorbell, my brother answered and was shouting in surprise and joy. My sister-in-law and mother joined in with hugs and tears. The noise and commotion caused VP to come out of his room. He made it halfway down the stairs, but his legs buckled at the sight of me, and he sat down in shock and cried. I walked up to him and kissed him on his head, and told him, “I’ve come here for you.”
I’d love to say it was all rosy after that. The truth is, the hard work had only just begun. My relationship with VP was and is the biggest test of peace for me. I’d come from an incredibly divine experience in solitude and crash-landed into family life where not much had changed. My experience in solitude was just that, it seemed, a fleeting experience. It gave me more faith in God, but I still had a long way to go. I was still full of expectation. Just because I had found Om Swami ji, my guru, and so much had already changed in my life, it didn’t mean others would automatically change. It certainly didn’t mean VP had somehow miraculously transformed.
The good part though, was that, seeing that I was making an effort, VP was open to hearing more about Swami ji, and I read to my parents every evening a few pages of If Truth Be Told, and Om Swami: As We Know Him.
In April of the same year, Naina Mata ji and I went to the ashram for a meeting with Swami ji, then I went off to the desert of Kutch in Gujarat to continue my spiritual practices alone. And in November, although we were still not at peace with each other, VP came along with Naina Mata ji to the ashram and offered me to Swami ji for initiation. I was ordained into the first step of monkhood, the white robes, in April 2018.
Was I expecting that after ordination, all would be well and my family would be sweet and kind to me? Probably. Did that happen? No. The lessons continued. I, full of hope, kept going back to visit them, expecting that ‘this time’ it would be different. It wasn’t. In fact, the lessons only got harder.
When God gives you the lesson of zero expectation, God means ZERO – a big fat one.
It was heartbreaking to accept; the only way to be at absolute peace is to have ZERO expectation from anyone, ever. Yes, even from your own parents.
It’s easy to do this when everything is going well, though, right? When everyone is behaving amicably.
Didn’t everything work out in the end? Wasn’t there a happy ending?
If you read my Confessions of a Merry Monk series during the time of the Covid lockdowns, you would have read that VP and I became closer than ever. He read each chapter as I was posting it on and we had beautiful conversations over video call. I heard the things I’d longed to hear my whole life from him. I wrote a hearts and flowers post about him and how he had changed, and how amazing life was.
But, my luvvies, the story continued, as did life, and I clearly still hadn’t learnt my lesson.
Because, as life so often reminds me:
The test of spiritual progress is not when everything is going well but when the poop hits the fan. Can I then keep my white robes pristine?
For a while, I’ve felt it’s important for me to write an update after the last post about VP because I don’t want to send out the wrong message to anyone: that you’ll walk the spiritual path and everything in your life will be smooth sailing. Well, it can be, but the biggest lesson I have learned is, how smooth it is depends entirely on you. Take it as a given that others around you will not transform. You must transform yourself. And this requires time and effort.
I’ve cried a river over no man like I’ve cried over my own dad. His actions hurt me the most. If I were to transform myself completely to a level of divinity, this was the core issue in my life I had to overcome.
Although VP was no longer drinking booze, nor as reactive as he used to be, and he was treating my mother well, the Universe still found plenty of ways for him to royally tick me off. The hardest tests for me were yet to come. Primarily, putting his own financial needs at the fore. Taking what I had earned, what wasn’t his, for himself, and allowing me to believe something else for years. Not once, but twice. I could have lived far more comfortably than I have done in the last few years, and I could have paid for my own travel and not had to rely on others, but because of him, I couldn’t.
In April last year, VP’s ejection fraction, the measurement of the percentage of blood leaving the heart each time it squeezes, had gone down to 11%. I left my service in Kenya and came to be with him as we thought the end was near for him. He got better with some change in medication and no doubt Swami ji’s Grace. But, as he got better, his old habits returned. I found them difficult to accept. I couldn’t attend doctors’ appointments with him knowing he was telling them porkies.
Stupidly, I thought the best way to ‘make him change’ would be to give him an ultimatum. Change your ways – I told him that I wanted him to be truthful to the doctors about the fact that he was still smoking – or never see me again. You can guess what he chose.
It hurt like hell at first. But then I thought, this is perfect. If my dad doesn’t exist in my life, then I’m protecting my heart, right? I can practise detachment from afar. Easy peasy. So, I shut him out and deleted him from my life and mindspace. “Ahh, this is what bliss feels like,” I could finally say to myself. Yeah right. Swami ji has a sharp sense of humour, you know, and I’m sure He had a lovely, Vishnu-like chuckle over that one.
When you think everything is going well, expect the unexpected.
In January of this year, while revelling in my pseudo-bliss at the ashram, after joyfully singing for God with my arms in the air, pretending my dad didn’t exist, I found out from Naina Mata ji that he’d had two heart attacks in one day and was in hospital. It took every ounce of my ego to not care, to not call him and ask how he was doing.
But, dammit, when Swami ji is your Guru and is the embodiment of compassion, something melts in you, and somehow, eventually, you can no longer fight His will. I spoke to VP on the phone. We kept in touch.
In March, VP had his third attack (a total of five in his life) and was admitted again. I flew to London to be with the family.
He ended up staying in hospital for forty-five days this time, being shuffled from one Intensive Care Unit to another. He had severe constipation, a blood clot in the aorta (which, apparently, is very rare and has a survival rate of 25%); he got sepsis (which has a survival rate of 30%) and was on various antibiotics for weeks. He has necrosis of the toes as there are clots in his legs, all this on top of a weak liver, weak kidneys and a very, very weak heart and blocked arteries, including the bypassed ones.
We took shifts to be with VP in hospital. Because of the medicines and because he was so unwell, he was suffering delusions and hallucinations too. Not only had his body given up, he’d lost his mind. I practised the mudras Swami ji had taught us and called on Him every day to do what was best for VP. Nobody thought he would make it home from the hospital.
Only Swami ji knows what Swami ji has done.
How this man is still alive is beyond me and beyond any medical expert.
I posted a video on my Wildr page of VP’s homecoming. He went straight to Swami ji’s photo. It was a very touching moment.
We’ve been spending some lovely time together. Yes, he’s stopped smoking. He’s being well-fed and pampered. His mind is cooperating again. We took him out in his wheelchair to make some good memories.
Did the tests stop there?
No, they did not.
Since VP came home from the hospital, I ‘accidentally’ found out about some more things he’d hidden from me that affected my life. These secrets could have gone to the grave with him.
Am I bothered by it?
I am not.
VP and I are cool.
The bliss remains steady.
Everything in my life is a gift from Swami ji. Everything is an opportunity to grow and be closer to God.
I am thankful for every lesson. I have no resentment in my heart for anyone.
As I sit to write this, VP and Naina Mata ji have both tested positive for Covid. Both are vaccinated. Naina Mata ji is the usual soldier that she is and is doing her best to take care of her man. They’ve been together since she was seventeen years old.
But VP’s body is struggling under the corona virus. It is so frail it’s hard to believe he will survive this. We don’t know how it will go. Whenever we think it’s the end for VP, Swami ji sweeps in and performs one miracle after another. He is truly like a cat with nine lives under Swami ji’s watch.
The last conversation we had was an emotional one. I thanked VP for being the greatest teacher in my life. I am here because of him. I wouldn’t have been able to experience what I do now without him. I told him in a lighthearted way, that I must have done God knows what to him in a life or lives gone by and I deserved whatever I got. I apologised too. I told him our karmic account is clear. We never have to go through this again.
Whatever Swami ji has planned for VP and for us, this entire experience comes with a lot of acceptance and gratitude from the whole family. He’s given us extra time together to heal and make peaceful memories. Words will never be enough.
My obeisance at Your feet, dear Swami ji.
If you take my dad, please keep him close ❤️
Update: As of May 16th, Naina Mata ji is still struggling with Covid symptoms but is slowly getting better. VP has been reffered for palliative care as there is no more they can do for his heart and kidneys. We don’t know how long he has left, we’re just grateful we have Swami ji to take him Home ❤️
Update: July 3rd. Naina Mata ji has recovered well. VP is stable. Guru Purnima is one of the most important days of the year for disciples. It’s the day for honouring our gurus. I never thought I would do this, but this year, I worshipped my parents’ feet with love, gratitude and reverence. Only Swami ji can bring about such transformation in a family such as ours. Thank You, Swami ji 🙇🏻♀️🙏🏼❤️
I’m speechless and going through a lot of emotions all at once Diya ji …. May Swami does the best for your father … And may he gives you courage and strength in these testing times… Please take care of yourself too… Going through all this and yet writing it out for those who care and for those who might have misinterpreted… Swami Swami 🥺🥺. I’ll pray to Mother Divine for everyone’s well being 🙇🙇.
Dear Aditi ji, you are so kind. I can feel the love and sincerity in your words. I pray from the bottom of my heart that Ma fills your life with as much contentment as She possibly can. Sending you a big, loving hug. Om Swami ji ki Jai!
it’s beautiful to see that life has come a full circle. i hope and wish you all well, may there always be a reason to smile 🌸
I am so proud of you dearest Diya ji. You’ve come so far and transformed like a beautiful vibrant Lotus. To understand a lesson, in the pain that you went through once upon a time, shows how much you’ve grown.
I like the part where you wrote ‘the bliss remains steady’, it goes to show, that you have learnt the art of inner peace. Love you ❤️
You know more than anyone, our journey, Mini, and I’m proud of us all. We’ve worked hard together, especially you and Naina Mata ji. You deserve all the goodness and beauty in life that Swami ji has planned for you. I can’t wait to see it. Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Dear Manoor, there always IS a reason to smile. Isn’t it incredible when we realise this. Thank you for the beautiful blessing! My love to all the animals and the hoomans in your life. Your heart is so huge they all rest comfortably there. God bless you always! Jai Sri Hari
tight hugs from all the bacchas 🤗
lucky are those who realise.
hoping to hear more on your blog soon.
Diyaji Pranam
I just don’t gather as to where do you have
The strength and courage to put all this from
Pen to paper…..Hats Off….
Stay Blessed!!!!!
From Swami ji, of course 🙂 You stay blessed too, dear Satish ji. In your Japa and Sadhana is where you will find everything. Thank you for all your love and kindness. Jai Sri Hari!
Dear Diyaji,
I feel like my dad is also my biggest test and once I make peace with it all, I will forever be in a better place. As you said, when the reactions equate zero and my internal bliss remains, that’s when it’s over. That’s what I look for as the healing takes place.
Thank you for sharing and inspiring.
I am very much looking forward to seeing you all next week with his Grace.
Love you dear Diyajiii
Diya ji, I can’t imagine my dad going through any suffering..I am very close to him and he is my pillar. I am unable to even comprehend how it feels like living without being in touch with your own father. I am super surprised to know what a big compassionate heart you have got. All is HIS grace now I believe. I wish HE does the best for your dad. With time you have put effort to create that bond again, what else can be bliss than this. The more I read you the more I get inspired. I am feeling a gap between my bond with my guru due to a lot happening in life currently but I am sure this post has once again brought me back under HIS feet. May your parents recover well. Pranams to Naina Mata ji for being the strength of your lovely family. Mina ji too is the kindest soul I have ever come to know about. May divine grace be always upon your loved ones. Thanks for sharing so many details of your life, I am sure it was not easy. May one never gets to witness too much unexpected things in their life. Jai Sri Hari
Dear Shalini ji, I’m sorry to hear it’s a difficult time. He is 100% with you. Especially more so during the challenging times. These are opportunites to grow closer to him. In deep surrender when the conflict in the mind stops is where you will find Him. Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Dear Bijal, I completely understand. It’s bloody hard work, but it is completely possible. You’ve already got a pure heart and are disciplined and well intentioned. We just have to anchor ourselves in Him and keep going. Swami ji is always with you. Lots of love the family. Jai Sri Hari!
A very touching post, Dear Sushree Diya ji 🙏🏻
Much Love & healing Light to you & the family 💖💖
Our beloved Swamiji is the Ultimate 🌟
He is indeed. Thank you dear, Lina ji, for everything. You’re one of the gooduns and no doubt He’s right by your side! Keep inspiring, with His Grace. Om Swami ji ki Jai!
My beautiful Sushree Diya Ji,
How gracefully and courageously you handle everything in your life! Glad to read that your karmic account is clear with your father. You both are free now. Thank you for reminding me to thank all the teachers in our lives for making us who we are today. We have reached a blissful place where Sri Hari/Divine Ma, Guruji lives in us, and we are at their feet. Sending all my love. 💖
Dear Sona ji, I’m so sorry, I missed this comment earlier. I came here to let you know I wrote to you yesterday but as I’ve had some problems with my email, I wasn’t sure if you would receive it. If you haven’t got it, could you check your junk mail please. And thank you, Sona ji for the loving message! We are indeed blessed have Sri Hari in our lives. I can never be grateful enough. God bless you always. Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Dear Diya Ji,
I am reading this post with a bit of tears. You had to go through so much. Swami Ji keeps blessing you and the family, with his compassion. Loved the humor in between- ‘He is truly like a cat with nine lives under Swami ji’s watch.” 🙂
You are a story of transformation.
Lots of love to you.
Be blessed, always.
Thank you, dear Satish ji. Yes, it shows just how Swami ji’s compassion transforms us. Only He can turn us around like He has. May His Grace always be upon you and your family. Much love to you, too. Jai Sri Hari!
Can u imagine my day who s was yesterday s initials were V.p too and my mom has been a warrior too! How Swami jish we are.
Om Swami ji ki Jai 🙏 It’s His divine grace that has worked miracles in our hearts and minds. Forever in gratitude to Him. Jai Sri Hari ❤️ Stay blessed 🙌
It could not have been as easy day for you, Meera ji. May Bhagwan bless his aatma eternally. Om Swami ji ki Jai.
Sending you and the family lots of love and strength.
Thank you, dear Kirti ji. The power of prayer is immense. I’m so grateful for your kind thoughts. God bless you always. Jai Sri Hari!
It took every ounce of my ego to not care, to not call him and ask how he was doing.
But, dammit, when Swami ji is your Guru and is the embodiment of compassion, something melts in you, and somehow, eventually, you can no longer fight His will. I spoke to VP on the phone. We kept in touch.
I am still laughing on this… trust me I know how it feels. Sometimes I really feel like shouting, yelling and scolding to people that how unkind they are and tada swamiji’s images just run through my heart and I got to drop my ego, anger. Most of the time I just end up shouting at swamiji only saying that ” see aapki wajase mai chilla bhi nahi pari hon” 😂😂😂😂
Swami ji has a sharp sense of humour, you know, and I’m sure He had a lovely, Vishnu-like chuckle over that one.
When you think everything is going well, expect the unexpected.
That’s soooooooo true. Jabhi mujhe lagta hai finally finally and finally my life is on track o kuch aisa kardeti hai jo Maine kabhi sapne bhi nahi socha hota… but in those unexpected twists and turns only I learnt big lessons of my life..
He and his ways 🤦♀️🤦♀️🙄🙄 wohi jaane…
I loved every bit of this post Sushree ji.
And I know how much effort it could have taken for you to say to VP ji that your karmic account is clear with him.
It’s so true that most of the time people around us don’t change but the way swamiji changes us is nothing less than a magic. He is greatest magician who had transformed all of us.
The prakash in him really burns all our impurities. And he just makes sure that only love, compassion and kindness remains in our hearts.
He is wonderful Guru, kindest mother, loving father and a strict master we all got. ( I am remembering him, feeling like seeing him )
Thank you for writing and thank you for being so truthful in each words. Sending you lots of love. Take care
My dear Narayani ji, you have proven your strength of character. After everything you went through, to still be so full of humour and show us your beautiful, contagious smile is wonderful. I’m so proud of you! I love you very much. We are connected in our stories and I know you will make a beautiful impact on this world. I wish you all the best with all your endeavours. He’s right there with you! Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Jai Srihari 🙏🌷 Koti Pranams dearest Sushree Diya Ji. 🙏Thank you for sharing your story. I believe it is bringing beautiful transformation in the lives of those who read your posts. My love, good wishes and prayers for healing to your family. Hope to meet you in person soon and receive your hugs and blessings. ☺️
Thank you, dear Parvati ji. I hope so, with His Grace. And thank you for your good wishes. Can you believe, although he’s not a well man, he seems to have beaten Covid. No doubt Swami ji and everyone’s prayers and good wishes has done this. God bless you, Parvati ji! Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Dearest Diya ji,
First of all , a big hug to you.. speechless but yes..with Swami ji grace everything is possible. Please take care of yourself. And lots of love for Naina Maa and Vp🤗🤗🤗 O my beautiful Soldier, i understand it take lots of courage to deal with life situations and you are doing 👍 proud of you ..Lots of Love 💕
Thank you, dear Jasmeet ji! Can you believe, although he’s not a well man, he seems to have beaten Covid. No doubt Swami ji and everyone’s prayers and good wishes has done this. God bless you, Jasmeet ji. Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Dearest Diyaji
Jai Sri Hari
It’s such an emotional post that I am still thinking about you as to what you must be going through. You are brave and have Swamiji’s Grace. May Swamiji bless you immensely.
Take care
Lots of love ❤️ & 🤗
Thank you, dearest Gayatri Ma. Thank you for your good wishes. Can you believe, although he’s not a well man, he seems to have beaten Covid. No doubt Swami ji and everyone’s prayers and good wishes has done this. How is the little one doing? I hope you’re well and I’m happy to hear from you, Gayatri ji. Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Diya ji humble obeisance , I hope we also become a worthy disciple of Om Swamiji, like you have been . Very few can pull off like this. And under His guidance, all whatever happens or will happen, would be for good.
Pranam, dear Rahul ji, I fail many, many times. All we can do is keep trying. May His Grace always be upon us. Thank you, Rahul ji. Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Dear Diya ji, let me first give my Pranam to Mata ji, who must ha e endured so much while taking care of herself too! And You Diya ji, a solid rock through these years. Our most beautiful Master taking care of your family, isn’t it the biggest blessing from the Divine!
Much love to you ❤ Diya ji.
Dear Prachi ji, thank you! Yes, Mata ji has shown incredibile strength. It’s inspiring. May His Grace always be upon you. Maybe we can be as strong as her too! Om Swami ji ki Jai!
It seems so strange Sushree ji and yet that is what Life churns out. The saying that Life gives you a test first and then you draw (hopefully) a lesson out of it. And only when the lesson dawns on you, you feel free but while the test is ongoing it is such a hard thing to imagine that it is there to teach us, to elevate us.
Great to see that you have manged to close this critical karmic transaction and yes, with HIS Grace things would turn out exactly how HE intends to. Wishing Vip prabhu all that is good for him and pray that Swamiji gives you strength to handle all situations.
You remain an inspiration Sushree ji.
Jai Sri Hari sushree Diya ji .
This post is so touching and emotional on many level of existence. Many parts of post were so relatable and how we all behave almost similarly when life throw us in unfamiliar waters and infact even in our consistent familiar world.
. #I told him our karmic account is clear. We never have to go through this again.# I can’t stop crying over finality of these sentences. sending you many hugs … infinite obeisance in the lotus feet of Swamiji 🙇♀️
Dear Diya Ji,
Lots of love and respect, It gives great peace and pause to life, after reading your post.
Dear Diya ji,🙏🏻🌷💕
Swamiji says that “we do not get people whom we want in our lives but those who we need in our lives”. You have so well explained the relation between expectations and happiness/ peace .
Thank you for sharing your life story …. It’s truly inspirational and full of insight 🙏🏻💕
Pranam Sushreeji.
Reading this post was a emotional roller coaster ride for me, wherein I was personally getting connected to my own experiences. You have a wonderful writing skills. At times, I felt that I am with you and witnessing all events by my own eyes.
All glories to Divine Swamiji for making wonderful and miraculous changes in our lives.
Jai Swamiji.
Dear Diya ji,
Very sorry Naina Mata ji and VP have been hit by Covid. I hope it will be a light one. 🙏🏼
Om Swamiji’s Grace has given you the opportunity to make peace snd clear all the misunderstandings. Now everyone is free and much lighter. You have gone through a lot of suffering but understood the way out, and now you are a new, besutiful and compassionate person. Take care of yourself.
Big hig and lots of love 🙏🏼❤️🤗🌷
Jai Sri Hari!
Why tears in my eyes?
Dearest Diya ji!
Hope Swamiji grace is taking care of you well and your family .. It hurts a lot when the hero of your life ( your dad) hurts you but then that’s why God gave you God himself . Swamiji ..Shri Hari himself is there to taking care of you.
You are a miracle and miracle is taking care of you and your family.
Love you 💕
Jai Sri Hari Sushree Diya. May the divine mother embrace you in a warm and cozy hug that reminds of you sitting by the fireplace on a winter night. Even when I was very young I had realized that one day my grandmother and parents would die. In some ways that began the spiritual preparation for this lifetime. is a lovely story for you. It will take you directly to Vaikuntha.
Dearest Diya ji,
It is so humbling🙏🙇🏽♀️
May Swami ji’s Grace and blessings be upon us all! Om Swami ji ki Jai!
I see a little bit of me in your posts Sushree Diya ji. This one is specially close to my beart. May Bhagwati bless you and your family with immense love 🌷💜
Thank you! God bless you, too, Neha ji. She is the Ultimate Parent 🙂 Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Dearest Diya ji,
I understand the twists you must have felt in your heart through this. This confusion when the heart is so soft for the world but the reality of the situation twists your heart into a pretzel! Many hugs and love to you! You are doing so well…. I still feel terribly confused with how to deal with this world and with myself both!! 😃 the digging is always within and the process is arduous! So, kudos to you for carrying on and doing your best with Swamiji’s grace! 🥰🤗We all walk our own paths with His supreme grace only! ❤️
Thank you, dear Deepa ji. With His Grace, it can only get better and better. All I know is that this world is too confusing for my small mind to decipher. Better to leave that to Swami ji. All we can do is our best with good intentions and leave the rest to Him, and hopefully not have too many pretzels along the way! God bless you, Deepa ji. Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Diya ji, You are a woman of incredible strength, love and compassion. Reading about your life journey makes me think, what it is that I complain about in my life. I have no right and reason to. Thank you for writing so candidly and guiding me on how a disciple of Swami ji should conduct her life. I love you for being in my life. Wishing your parents health and happiness.
Dear Soanali ji, thank you for your loving kindness. Nobody’s life is easy. We’re so blessed to have Swami ji in our lives to make everything feel so much better. All we have to do is keep trying, with His Grace. God bless you always. Om Swami ji ki Jai!
Feeling very emotional. Please accept my humble obeisances Diya Ji. You are very inspiring. I pray that your parents recover soon.
Diya Ji, I do not know what else to say but I admire your ability to make room for so many different emotions at once…sending you and VP and Naina Mata Ji so much love and light<3
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